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SMS 2 Printer Device to Receive SMS Text Messages Quickly And Print

SMS 2 Printer Device to Receive SMS Text Messages Quickly And Print « text messages

sms2printer.co.uk supply and sell SMS 2 Printer Devices. SMS 2 Printers receive and print SMS text messages from Mobile devices. SMS 2 printers work with any SMS mobile network.
(Clicks: 35; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 18, 2013, text messages)

sms printer, sms text, sms2 printer compact, sms2 printer maestro, sms2 printer Tags
http://sms2printer.co.uk Link
SMS Marketing Text Messages  OneSixty - Home

SMS Marketing Text Messages OneSixty - Home « text messages

SMS Marketing Text Messages | OneSixty - Home
(Clicks: 24; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 16, 2013, text messages)
drupa 2008 - New market Transpromo

drupa 2008 - New market Transpromo « text messages

Welcome to the world of one-to-one image personalization! Images with personalized text messages say more than a thousand words.
(Clicks: 23; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 14, 2013, text messages)

image personalization, image personalisation, personalization, picture personalization, photo calendar Tags
http://trans-promo.co.uk Link
PhonepayPlus - the UK premium rate phone number and service regulator - PhonepayPlus

PhonepayPlus - the UK premium rate phone number and service regulator - PhonepayPlus « text messages

Partner of Ofcom, we regulate phone-paid services in the UK, premium rate goods and services that you can buy by charging the cost to your phone bill and pre-pay account.
(Clicks: 36; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 13, 2013, text messages)

high phone bill, unsolicited text messages, premium rate sms, premium rate text, code of practice Tags
http://phonepayplus.co.uk Link
Tomato Text Messaging System SMS send recieve text messages online groups

Tomato Text Messaging System SMS send recieve text messages online groups « text messages

TomatoText is a dedicated SMS messaging solution for small and large businesses. We empower our users to quickly and easily send & recieve SMS messages.
(Clicks: 24; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 8, 2013, text messages)

text messaging, text message system, group sms messages Tags
http://tomatotext.co.uk Link
Online SMS, Send Text Message, Bulk SMS UK, Text Messaging - Green Text

Online SMS, Send Text Message, Bulk SMS UK, Text Messaging - Green Text « text messages

Green Text provides commercial organisations with Bulk SMS messaging services at great value, to enable the sending and receiving of affordable SMS text messages via an online webapp.
(Clicks: 89; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 18, 2013, text messages)

budget, sms services, sms marketing, text messaging, text messaging services Tags
http://gntext.co.uk Link
Text Marketing by TextFactore - Send Text Messages Online

Text Marketing by TextFactore - Send Text Messages Online « text messages

Easy to use text marketing platform for businesses in the UK. Create Your Free Account Today! Send marketing text messages and text reminders online to your new and existing customers.
(Clicks: 22; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 17, 2013, text messages)
Snapline  Snap with friends in real time  Snap  Line  Chat  Messenger  App

Snapline Snap with friends in real time Snap Line Chat Messenger App « text messages

The private way to connect! Send snaps, pics, clips, videos, text messages, voice messages or locations fast and privately.
(Clicks: 29; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 14, 2013, text messages)

snapline, snap, line, chat, messenger Tags
http://snapline.co.uk Link
Home  Online Text Messages and Seamless Text Messaging  ToText

Home Online Text Messages and Seamless Text Messaging ToText « text messages

Home | Online Text Messages and Seamless Text Messaging | ToText
(Clicks: 29; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 12, 2013, text messages)
Activity Reporting

Activity Reporting « text messages

Emergency Notification - Web or Local System. Voice & Text messages in emergencies & disasters for business continuity & contingency planning.
(Clicks: 127; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 9, 2013, text messages)

emergency notification, notification system Tags
http://call-report.co.uk Link
SMS Marketing Agency  Memorable SMS Short Codes  . Mobi Web Design

SMS Marketing Agency Memorable SMS Short Codes . Mobi Web Design « text messages

Complete SMS Marketing Text Message Advertising Solutions. Providers of SMS Short Codes on 60800. EnviroTxt Limited
(Clicks: 32; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 7, 2013, text messages)

sms marketing, text message, text messages, sms advertising Tags
http://envirotxt.co.uk Link
TXT 2 Web

TXT 2 Web « text messages

Send SMS text messages to website or databases.
(Clicks: 24; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 16, 2013, text messages)
Practice MS  Practice Management Software  Practice Management Solution  Accountants in Practi

Practice MS Practice Management Software Practice Management Solution Accountants in Practi « text messages

Practice Management Software for Accounting Practice firm, Accountants in Practice use Practice Management Software to manage their clients and auto-reminders by emails and text messages.
(Clicks: 38; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 12, 2013, text messages)
SMS 2 Printer Device to Receive SMS Text Messages Quickly And Print

SMS 2 Printer Device to Receive SMS Text Messages Quickly And Print « text messages

sms2printer.co.uk supply and sell SMS 2 Printer Devices. SMS 2 Printers receive and print SMS text messages from Mobile devices. SMS 2 printers work with any SMS mobile network.
(Clicks: 53; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 9, 2013, text messages)

sms printer, sms text, sms2 printer compact, sms2 printer maestro, sms2 printer Tags
http://smsprinter.co.uk Link
Emergency Notification  Incident Management  Send Word Now

Emergency Notification Incident Management Send Word Now « text messages

The worldwide leader in emergency notification and incident management. Send voice & text messages quickly & easily with our emergency notification service.
(Clicks: 93; Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 19, 2013, text messages)

send word now, emergency notification, mass notification, incident management Tags
http://sendwordnow.co.uk Link
Send Anonymous Text messages! Fake your identity! Premium SMS Service!

Send Anonymous Text messages! Fake your identity! Premium SMS Service! « text messages

Send Anonymous Text Messages to Mobile Cell Phones! Worldwide Support! Fake the Message Sender to play Pranks! Anonymous SMS with Paypal Accepted!
(Clicks: 28; Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 10, 2013, text messages)

anonymous text, anonymous texts, send anonymous text, anonymous sms, send anonymous sms Tags
http://anontexts.co.uk Link
DeLorme inReach SE Satellite Tracker

DeLorme inReach SE Satellite Tracker « text messages

The DeLorme inReach SE is a popular satellite tracker using the Iridium network, capable of creating text messages via its virtual keyboard, sending out tracking points that can be viewed online, and transmitting SOS messages.
(Clicks: 30; Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 8, 2013, text messages)

delorme, inreach, inreach se, iridium, personal tracking Tags
http://delormeinreach.co.uk Link
Fire alarm systems  deaf hard of hearing  hearing impaired

Fire alarm systems deaf hard of hearing hearing impaired « text messages

Alarmscom distribute DMS text messages in an emergency who are deaf or hard of hearing. Fire alarm Systems for the deaf and hard of hearing or hearing impaired.
(Clicks: 46; Comments: 0; Listing added: Dec 4, 2012, text messages)
Personal Alarms for the Elderly  Elderly Alarms  Personal Alarm

Personal Alarms for the Elderly Elderly Alarms Personal Alarm « text messages

Personal Alarms for the Elderly have no monthly fees. Our Elderly Alarms make calls and send text messages to anyone. Personal Alarms are simple to operate.
(Clicks: 55; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 20, 2012, text messages)

personal, alarms, elderly Tags
http://elderlypersonalalarms.co.uk Link

notewise « text messages

Text messages for groups
(Clicks: 68; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 16, 2012, text messages)

text messages, text messaging, school sms, parents sms Tags
http://notewise.co.uk Link
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