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Advanced Marine Innovation Technology Subsea Ltd UK

Advanced Marine Innovation Technology Subsea Ltd UK « submarine escape

UK based underwater engineering company developing the HABETaS submarine escape system, also specialising in oceanographic and ROV suction anchor, dredging, boost and flushing pumps.
(Clicks: 97; Comments: 0; Listing added: Sep 5, 2013, submarine escape)

underwater engineering, subsea engineering, suction, anchor Tags
http://advancedmarineinnovation.uk Link
JFD  Home

JFD Home « submarine escape

JFD provides products and services for submarine escape, rescue and surface abandonment alongside a range of special operations swimmer delivery systems.
(Clicks: 38; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 19, 2013, submarine escape)

james fisher defence, jfd rumic, submarine escape, rescue, surface Tags
http://jfdefence.co.uk Link
JFD  Home

JFD Home « submarine escape

JFD provides products and services for submarine escape, rescue and surface abandonment alongside a range of special operations swimmer delivery systems.
(Clicks: 40; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 13, 2013, submarine escape)

james fisher defence, jfd rumic, submarine escape, rescue, surface Tags
http://jfsrs.co.uk Link
JFD  Home

JFD Home « submarine escape

JFD provides products and services for submarine escape, rescue and surface abandonment alongside a range of special operations swimmer delivery systems.
(Clicks: 40; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 10, 2013, submarine escape)

james fisher defence, jfd rumic, submarine escape, rescue, surface Tags
http://submarinerescue.co.uk Link
JFD  Home

JFD Home « submarine escape

JFD provides products and services for submarine escape, rescue and surface abandonment alongside a range of special operations swimmer delivery systems.
(Clicks: 38; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 13, 2013, submarine escape)

james fisher defence, jfd rumic, submarine escape, rescue, surface Tags
http://jfdefense.co.uk Link