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Security Training Courses Scotland - SIA Training Scotland

Security Training Courses Scotland - SIA Training Scotland « specialized training

Specialized Training offers a wide range of SIA recognised courses for the Security Industry in Scotland and the UK
(Clicks: 173; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 15, 2014, specialized training)

specialized training, security training, event security, door supervisor, security operations Tags
http://specializedtraining.co.uk Link
Assessor courses QCF, NVQ training Birmingham, West Midlands, and London, UK

Assessor courses QCF, NVQ training Birmingham, West Midlands, and London, UK « specialized training

Headquartered in Birmingham, United Kingdom, Pathway Assessing offers specialized training courses for NVQ assessors and QCF assessors. Our professional training and support can help you to find work as or even start your own business as an assessor.
(Clicks: 115; Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 15, 2014, specialized training)

a1 assessor course, assessment courses uk, nvq courses london, qcf assessor training Tags
http://pathwayassessing.co.uk Link