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Listings Found: 6

Church of Scientology of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Church of Scientology of Birmingham, United Kingdom « scientology

The Church of Scientology of Birmingham, United Kingdom, welcome's you to find out about Scientology and Dianetics for yourself. Attend Sunday service or take a free introductory service.
(Clicks: 586; Comments: 0; Listing added: Dec 16, 2011, scientology)
Birmingham West Midlands address
scientology, birmingham, england, scientology church Tags
http://www.scientology-birmingham.org/ Link
Scientology Church Religion - What is Scientology

Scientology Church Religion - What is Scientology « scientology

Learn about Scientology, beliefs & practices, founder L. Ron Hubbard, Church religious leader David Miscavige. What is Scientology? What do Scientologists believe?
(Clicks: 73; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 15, 2014, scientology)
Ex Scientologists UK  Speaking out against the cult of Scientology

Ex Scientologists UK Speaking out against the cult of Scientology « scientology

Welcome This website has been created by ex-members, Independent Scientologists, critics and family members of those who have been affected by the Scientology organisation. Our main purpose behind creating this website is to share our information and
(Clicks: 32; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 10, 2014, scientology)
scientology-books. co. uk - Crazy Domains

scientology-books. co. uk - Crazy Domains « scientology

This domain name is registered and secured with Crazy Domains, a world leader domain name and web hosting provider.
(Clicks: 31; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 14, 2013, scientology)

crazy domains, domain names, cheap domain names, domain registration, domain name registration Tags
http://scientology-books.co.uk Link
Scientology Church Religion - What is Scientology

Scientology Church Religion - What is Scientology « scientology

Learn about Scientology, beliefs & practices, founder L. Ron Hubbard, Church religious leader David Miscavige. What is Scientology? What do Scientologists believe?
(Clicks: 70; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 20, 2013, scientology)
Scientology Church Religion - What is Scientology

Scientology Church Religion - What is Scientology « scientology

Learn about Scientology, beliefs & practices, founder L. Ron Hubbard, Church religious leader David Miscavige. What is Scientology? What do Scientologists believe?
(Clicks: 69; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 15, 2012, scientology)