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Richard Murphy

Richard Murphy « richard murphy

Richard Murphy uses a combination of long-established techniques, like hypnosis and very new therapies, such as Mora, Skenar (or Scenar) and Spinal Touch.
(Clicks: 39; Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 11, 2014, richard murphy)

richard murphy, hypnosis, skenar, scenar, mora Tags
http://richard-murphy.co.uk Link
The Courageous State laquo; Rethinking economics, society and the role of government

The Courageous State laquo; Rethinking economics, society and the role of government « richard murphy

Rethinking economics, society and the role of government (by Richard Murphy)
(Clicks: 18; Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 14, 2013, richard murphy)