> pragmatic
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Pragmatic EC « pragmatic
A pragmatic Consultancy provfiding services to enterprises worldwide, utilising the Pragmatic Family of Architecture Frameworks.
(Clicks: 42;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 13, 2013, pragmatic)
Home « pragmatic
PEAF is a vendor and consultancy independent, technology neutral, Enterprise Architecture Framework which allows organisations to kick start or re-start an EA initiative and provides a comprehensive set of Products and Processes of everything required
(Clicks: 30;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 13, 2013, pragmatic)
Services - What we can do for you - Datara Management Solutions « pragmatic
Datara Management Solutions is a Consultancy Business, able to provide practical and pragmatic services and innovative solutions covering a range of topics.
(Clicks: 19;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 13, 2013, pragmatic)
Employment Lawyers HR Advisers London, Maidenhead « pragmatic
KLG is a fresh and dynamic law firm offering a modern, responsive and pragmatic approach to employment law.
(Clicks: 26;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 12, 2013, pragmatic)
Pragmatic EF - Setting the Context for Enterprises « pragmatic
PEFF (The Pragmatic Enterprise Family of Frameworks) is a family of technology neutral, Enterprise Frameworks whcih provide a coherent context for all frameworks related to Enterprises, defining common things that need to be consistent between them an
(Clicks: 28;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 10, 2013, pragmatic)
Pharmacovigilance services « pragmatic
PhV Services was established to provide small-medium Pharma Companies with affordable access to pharmacovigilance expertise. This expertise is provided a network of experienced PV experts, and can deliver bespoke and pragmatic solutions to fit your bu
(Clicks: 43;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 9, 2013, pragmatic)
Home « pragmatic
PEAF is a vendor and consultancy independent, technology neutral, Enterprise Architecture Framework which allows organisations to kick start or re-start an EA initiative and provides a comprehensive set of Products and Processes of everything required
(Clicks: 30;
Comments: 0; Listing added: May 15, 2013, pragmatic)
Home « pragmatic
PEAF is a vendor and consultancy independent, technology neutral, Enterprise Architecture Framework which allows organisations to kick start or re-start an EA initiative and provides a comprehensive set of Products and Processes of everything required
(Clicks: 27;
Comments: 0; Listing added: May 13, 2013, pragmatic)
CG Legal Commercial Pragmatic legal commercial solutions « pragmatic
CG Legal Commercial | Pragmatic legal commercial solutions
(Clicks: 15;
Comments: 0; Listing added: May 12, 2013, pragmatic)
Home - Blueberry Capital « pragmatic
Blueberry Capital are experts in finding business finance. We take a very pragmatic view and are honest enough to tell clients from the outset whether they have a reasonable chance of raising finance. We are friendly & approachable but definatley
(Clicks: 136;
Comments: 0; Listing added: May 11, 2013, pragmatic)
business loan, bridging loan, commercial loan, business finance, property development loan
C2 Safety Professional Pragmatic Health and Safety Advice « pragmatic
C2 Safety | Professional Pragmatic Health and Safety Advice
(Clicks: 23;
Comments: 0; Listing added: May 11, 2013, pragmatic)
Sajco Solutions Home « pragmatic
Sajco Solutions Ltd is a dynamic, progressive and comprehensive Business Management and Consultancy services and solutions provider for small and medium businesses. We offer advice and a pragmatic, realistic approach to addressing client needs.
(Clicks: 29;
Comments: 0; Listing added: May 6, 2013, pragmatic)
business management, marketing, management support, business consultancy
Curves Project Design « pragmatic
Curves Project Design provide enterprising elegant and pragmatic solutions to all types of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design projects
(Clicks: 50;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 14, 2013, pragmatic)
curves project design, landscape architecture, landscape, architecture, urban design
IMS Solutions Ltd « pragmatic
We are Safety and Management Systems professionals experienced in high risk industries who offer a full range of Health & Safety services from basic practical and pragmatic advice to small companies to fully integrated management systems for multi
(Clicks: 23;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 13, 2013, pragmatic)
Pragmatic EC « pragmatic
A pragmatic Consultancy provfiding services to enterprises worldwide, utilising the Pragmatic Family of Architecture Frameworks.
(Clicks: 33;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 12, 2013, pragmatic)
Home « pragmatic
PEAF is a vendor and consultancy independent, technology neutral, Enterprise Architecture Framework which allows organisations to kick start or re-start an EA initiative and provides a comprehensive set of Products and Processes of everything required
(Clicks: 31;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 14, 2013, pragmatic)
Home « pragmatic
PEAF is a vendor and consultancy independent, technology neutral, Enterprise Architecture Framework which allows organisations to kick start or re-start an EA initiative and provides a comprehensive set of Products and Processes of everything required
(Clicks: 40;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 12, 2013, pragmatic)
Pragmatic QA « pragmatic
I did a Selenium meetup talk couple of days ago. I decided to talk about exploratory testing and automation. For the meetup, we asked attendees to …
(Clicks: 32;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 10, 2013, pragmatic)
Home - Executive Mentor Ltd « pragmatic
Our speciality is executive development – the one-to-one coaching of senior people. Coaching is tailored to the individual and their organisation. We are pragmatic and focused on results
(Clicks: 83;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 10, 2013, pragmatic)
executive development, one to one coaching, leadership, senior leaders, coaching
Athena Professional - Learning to change behaviourAthena Professional Realising the value of .. « pragmatic
Behaviour lies at the heart of business success. Athena Professional support clients to change behaviours within their organisation to enable this success. Using a combination of pragmatic consulting, learning and development, coaching and organisatio
(Clicks: 52;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Jan 15, 2013, pragmatic)