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Latitude 91 - IT services organisation

Latitude 91 - IT services organisation « payment consultancy

Latitude 91 is an IT services organisation comprising three brands - SkillSet, SkillSet Consulting and Polar Moment. Our services include card payment consultancy, real-time software development, BPM and training.
(Clicks: 68; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 11, 2014, payment consultancy)

latitude 91, it services, skillset, skillset consulting, polar moment Tags
http://latitude91.co.uk Link
Polar Moment - Payment Industry Consultants

Polar Moment - Payment Industry Consultants « payment consultancy

Delivering business consultancy and technical services to organisations across the card payments industry.
(Clicks: 104; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 17, 2014, payment consultancy)

mobile payments, online payments, p2pe, payment consultancy Tags
http://the-ecommerce-team.co.uk Link
OutReach Sales Consultancy Improve sales

OutReach Sales Consultancy Improve sales « payment consultancy

A payment consultancy that boosts sales, business opportunities and effectiveness
(Clicks: 55; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 16, 2014, payment consultancy)

payments, acquiring, authentication, authorisation, authorization Tags
http://orsc.co.uk Link
Latitude 91 - IT services organisation

Latitude 91 - IT services organisation « payment consultancy

Latitude 91 is an IT services organisation comprising three brands - SkillSet, SkillSet Consulting and Polar Moment. Our services include card payment consultancy, real-time software development, BPM and training.
(Clicks: 45; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 13, 2014, payment consultancy)

latitude 91, it services, skillset, skillset consulting, polar moment Tags
http://latitude-91.co.uk Link
Polar Moment - Payment Industry Consultants

Polar Moment - Payment Industry Consultants « payment consultancy

Delivering business consultancy and technical services to organisations across the card payments industry.
(Clicks: 62; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 17, 2013, payment consultancy)

mobile payments, online payments, p2pe, payment consultancy Tags
http://the-atm-team.co.uk Link
Polar Moment - Payment Industry Consultants

Polar Moment - Payment Industry Consultants « payment consultancy

Delivering business consultancy and technical services to organisations across the card payments industry.
(Clicks: 54; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 11, 2013, payment consultancy)

mobile payments, online payments, p2pe, payment consultancy Tags
http://the-cardpayments-team.co.uk Link
Polar Moment - Payment Industry Consultants

Polar Moment - Payment Industry Consultants « payment consultancy

Delivering business consultancy and technical services to organisations across the card payments industry.
(Clicks: 57; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 20, 2013, payment consultancy)

mobile payments, online payments, p2pe, payment consultancy Tags
http://the-pci-team.co.uk Link
Credit Card Solutions UK Ltd - Card Payment Consultancy for International Prepaid Debit Card ...

Credit Card Solutions UK Ltd - Card Payment Consultancy for International Prepaid Debit Card ... « payment consultancy

Credit Card Solutions UK Ltd is an international prepaid debit card consultancy. We provide clients access to a global portfolio of international prepaid debit card payment solutions for business process improvemt. Products can be prepaid credit or pr
(Clicks: 30; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 11, 2012, payment consultancy)

prepaid debit card, prepaid visa card Tags
http://creditcardsolutions.co.uk Link
Polar Moment - Payment Industry Consultants

Polar Moment - Payment Industry Consultants « payment consultancy

Delivering business consultancy and technical services to organisations across the card payments industry.
(Clicks: 34; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 14, 2012, payment consultancy)

mobile payments, online payments, p2pe, payment consultancy Tags
http://the-paymentprocessing-team.co.uk Link