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AMA Coaching School

AMA Coaching School « learning journeys

Coaching is fun and incredibly effective. You or your company employees can start now and with an entry level of just £60. And you can be confident your money is well placed. Flexible-learning Journeys connect you with AMACS
(Clicks: 735; Comments: 0; Listing added: Oct 17, 2011, learning journeys)
Worcester Worcestershire address
coaching, training, learning journey, learning journeys, e learning Tags
http://amacoachingschool.org Link
Kids To Go 45; Kay Woods 45; EYFS Resources for Childminders, Nannies and Nurseries

Kids To Go 45; Kay Woods 45; EYFS Resources for Childminders, Nannies and Nurseries « learning journeys

Kay Woods - Kids To Go sells printable EYFS resources for childminders, nannies and nurseries including learning journeys, planning, childminding policies, contracts, and printable art project packs.
(Clicks: 163; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 10, 2014, learning journeys)
Learning Journeys

Learning Journeys « learning journeys

Learning Journeys
(Clicks: 53; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 16, 2014, learning journeys)