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A Z A B A T  Accessible Computer Software

A Z A B A T Accessible Computer Software « kountdown

Azabat Software. UK based accessible software developer, specialising in talking computer games, talking touch-typing tutor software, talking word-processing and e-mail and talking crossword puzzle. All products are suitable for blind and partially si
(Clicks: 178; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 25, 2012, kountdown)

azabat, backgammon, sudoku, kountdown, hangman Tags
http://azabat.co.uk Link
A Z A B A T  Accessible Computer Software

A Z A B A T Accessible Computer Software « kountdown

Azabat Software. UK based accessible software developer, specialising in talking computer games, talking touch-typing tutor software, talking word-processing and e-mail and talking crossword puzzle. All products are suitable for blind and partially si
(Clicks: 178; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 16, 2012, kountdown)

azabat, backgammon, sudoku, kountdown, hangman Tags
http://grannysoft.co.uk Link