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Home « jesus
Christian Mindfulness offers a unique course which combines the latest scientific research on prayer, meditation and mindfulness with an exploration of how biblical theology, faith and practice relate to these ancient tools.
(Clicks: 44;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 14, 2013, jesus)
Bible Believers Fellowship Scotland « jesus
This is a Bible Believing Assembly following the teachings of William Branham, whom we believe to have fufilled the ministry of the promised Elijah to appear before the great and terrible day of the Lord (Ref: Malachi 4:5-6.
(Clicks: 67;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 13, 2013, jesus)
IBIJ « jesus
IBIJ (I believe in Jesus) was formed in January 2013. The organisation concept began whilst on a Christian training course which was teaching about raising the awareness of the Christian message.
(Clicks: 25;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 12, 2013, jesus)
Igreja Batista Palavra Viva Igreja Batista Palavra Viva Europa Reino Unido e Londres - United Kingdo « jesus
Igreja Evangélica Batista Palavra Viva Leste Londres está localizada próximo da estação de Mile End. Com um louvor descontraído e pregação contextualizada, os cultos da Palavra Viva são um convite para aprender mais do sobrenatural de Deus.
(Clicks: 39;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 12, 2013, jesus)
Bible Sermons Online - Bible-Sermons. org. uk « jesus
Bible Sermons Online, Reformed, expositary audio and text sermons to download free.
(Clicks: 46;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 11, 2013, jesus)
Hosteria « jesus
Hosteria Nobili Fulcis,Hosteria,Gaststätten & Restaurants, Feinschmecker, Italien, München, Muenchen,monaco di baviera,munique,munich,ristoranti italiani,top ten,romano,fontanive,ze roberto,owen heargreaves,Hitzfeld,Lucio,marcellino,rose
(Clicks: 31;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 5, 2013, jesus)
Home Swanwick Christadelphian Family Bibleschool « jesus
"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" - Phil 2:5
Swanwick Family Bibleschool is a family gathering held by The Christadelphians. It contains a varied programme of study and leisure...
(Clicks: 36;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 4, 2013, jesus)
Links to TRUE LIFE IN GOD by Vassula « jesus
Some links to various web pages and sites which promote the True Life in God messages
(Clicks: 30;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 1, 2013, jesus)
Christian Gospel Music TV UK « jesus
Spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ through Christian Gospel Music in the UK and across the world.
(Clicks: 46;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 21, 2013, jesus)
ReachAcross Helping Muslims Follow Jesus Home « jesus
(Clicks: 20;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 17, 2013, jesus)
Find Your Hope In Jesus Christ - My Hope with Billy Graham UK « jesus is where you can learn of the Hope found in Jesus Christ.
(Clicks: 44;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 15, 2013, jesus)
The New Bible Code 911, the NIV Bible and the Second Coming « jesus
The New Bible Code 911, the NIV Bible and the Second Coming
(Clicks: 27;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 14, 2013, jesus)
Freedom039;s Ark Church Tottenham - Celebrating Jesus « jesus
Celebrating Jesus
(Clicks: 19;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 14, 2013, jesus)
Jeff Ollerhead Vocalist and Guitarist New CD Over 18's Only « jesus
Jeff Ollerhead Vocalist and Guitarist New CD Over 18's Only Internet sensation with songs such as Purple Akki, Kerry Katona, Has anybody seen JC (Jesus Christ)
(Clicks: 26;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 11, 2013, jesus)
AndrewWhitman. co. uk - quot;Bringing you the good news of Jesus Christquot; « jesus - quot;Bringing you the good news of Jesus Christquot;
(Clicks: 26;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Feb 25, 2013, jesus)
Grace Church Nottingham « jesus
Weâre a multisite church meeting in Wollaton and the City Centre serving Nottingham. Weâre part of the Newfrontiers family of churches and are passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus.
(Clicks: 72;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Feb 13, 2013, jesus)
Following Jesus Christ « jesus
Following Jesus Christ
(Clicks: 33;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Feb 12, 2013, jesus)
ByFaith - Home of ByFaith TV, ByFaith Books, ByFaith DVDs, ByFaith Mission and Website - By Faith « jesus
ByFaith, ByFaith Media. By Faith, including ByFaith TV. Christian bible teaching. Interact.
(Clicks: 47;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Feb 5, 2013, jesus)
Walk Rutland Walk Rutland for Jesus - 17-31 August 2014 « jesus
Walk Rutland | Walk Rutland for Jesus - 17-31 August 2014
(Clicks: 32;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Jan 5, 2013, jesus)
LIFE Church Warrington Home journeying together « jesus
Welcome to LIFE Church Warrington. We are a thriving local church made up of ordinary people seeking to make Jesus' name famous in our town and generation.
(Clicks: 58;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Jan 1, 2013, jesus)