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Letter-join. Interactive cursive letters and joined-up handwriting

Letter-join. Interactive cursive letters and joined-up handwriting « handwriting practice

An on-line resource for teaching joined-up handwriting at home and at school with animations, printable worksheets and IWB facility. Printout sheets are in PDF format for real cursive handwriting practice. Ideal for imrpoving handwriting stadards across Key Stages 1 and 2 with reagrds to OFSTED recommendations.
(Clicks: 1774; Comments: 0; Listing added: Feb 14, 2012, handwriting practice)
Kent address
cursive writing, cursive handwriting, handwriting worksheets, pdf worksheets Tags
http://www.letterjoin.co.uk Link
Morrells Handwriting - handwriting practice sheets and handwriting exercises

Morrells Handwriting - handwriting practice sheets and handwriting exercises « handwriting practice

Morrells Handwriting - An invaluable teachers resource site for any busy education professional requiring handwriting resource books with worksheets for primary and secondary schools.
(Clicks: 69; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 15, 2013, handwriting practice)

cursive handwriting, handwriting, books, handwriting books, handwriting help Tags
http://morrellshandwriting.co.uk Link
A comprehensive guide to teaching children handwriting

A comprehensive guide to teaching children handwriting « handwriting practice

A comprehensive guide to teaching, and helping improve, childrenâs handwriting, using practice worksheets, animations, games, activities, resources and advice.
(Clicks: 56; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 18, 2013, handwriting practice)

handwriting, improve handwriting, handwriting practice Tags
http://teachhandwriting.co.uk Link