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Welcome To FTL Foundry Equipment - FTL Foundry Equipment Ltd

Welcome To FTL Foundry Equipment - FTL Foundry Equipment Ltd « foundry industry

FTL Foundry Equipment supply foundry equipment to the UK and world, used for no bake mixing, sand reclamation, green sand moulding, no bake moulding, chromite reclamation and other
(Clicks: 48; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 7, 2014, foundry industry)

foundry industry, foundry equipment, no bake mixing, no bake moulding, green sand moulding Tags
http://ftlfoundryequipment.co.uk Link
PSAG  Home - Grinding Machines  Foundry Automation  Fettling

PSAG Home - Grinding Machines Foundry Automation Fettling « foundry industry

Suppliers of Koyama Automatic Grinding Machines incorporating Diamond cutting wheels for grinding / fettling of castings, to the foundry industry UK and abroad.
(Clicks: 26; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 12, 2013, foundry industry)

koyama grinding machine, koyama, grinding of castings, foundry industry, foundry finishing Tags
http://psautogrinding.co.uk Link