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Bright Future Foundation FREEDOM FROM POVERTY THROUGH EDUCATION « foundation

Malawi, Africa :: The initial aim of the BRIGHT FUTURE FOUNDATION is to support parents and children by providing funds which will enable them to continue in education.
(Clicks: 32; Comments: 0; Listing added: Sep 9, 2012, foundation)

bright, future, foundation, charity, malawi Tags
http://brightfuturefoundation.co.uk Link
The Douglas Bader Foundation Douglas Bader Foundation

The Douglas Bader Foundation Douglas Bader Foundation « foundation

The Douglas Bader Foundation is a charity founded by the family of RAF hero, Sir Douglas Bader to help people affected by limb loss and other disabilities
(Clicks: 25; Comments: 0; Listing added: Sep 8, 2012, foundation)
The Away Foundation  The Away Foundation

The Away Foundation The Away Foundation « foundation

The Away Foundation | The Away Foundation
(Clicks: 14; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 28, 2012, foundation)
MedicAlert 247 vital protection in emergency

MedicAlert 247 vital protection in emergency « foundation

The MedicAlert Foundation providing life-saving medical ID bracelets and jewellery because every moment matters.
(Clicks: 115; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 27, 2012, foundation)

medicalert, the medicalert foundation, medical alert id, emergency service Tags
http://medicalertfoundationbritishislesandireland.uk Link
Hull and East Yorkshire Community Foundation - Welcome

Hull and East Yorkshire Community Foundation - Welcome « foundation

Hull and East Yorkshire Community Foundation - Welcome
(Clicks: 26; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 25, 2012, foundation)

community, foundation, east, yorkshire, humber Tags
http://hullandeastyorkshirecommunityfoundation.co.uk Link
Vincenzo Maurino  Vincenzo Maurino - Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS

Vincenzo Maurino Vincenzo Maurino - Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS « foundation

Vincenzo Maurino is Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, and works in private practice in London. He is also Visiting Professor of Corneal Surgery at the prestigious Faculty of Medicine of the Universi
(Clicks: 47; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 21, 2012, foundation)

ophthalmology, moorfields eye hospital Tags
http://vincenzomaurino.co.uk Link
Coma Foundation

Coma Foundation « foundation

Coma Foundation is the first UK organisation to provide free advice on how to support victims in Comas and Vegetative States.
(Clicks: 33; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 20, 2012, foundation)

coma foundation, coma support, coma information, coma help, vegetative support Tags
http://comafoundation.co.uk Link
Hope Is Growing Garden Kits

Hope Is Growing Garden Kits « foundation

8 unique garden kits that benefit the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Fundraisers Earn 50% Profit!. Provide a burst of sunshine to someone that has been diagnosed with cancer or illness.
(Clicks: 45; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 20, 2012, foundation)

fundraising, fundraiser, garden kits, breast cancer, fundraising idea Tags
http://hopeisgrowing.co.uk Link
vivalasalsa Salsa Kizomba Classes

vivalasalsa Salsa Kizomba Classes « foundation

VivaLaSalsa is a place for you even if you are just a Salsa beginner; you can learn the basic foundation of the dance in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere that is fun, vibrant and exciting, Vivalasalsa.
(Clicks: 88; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 20, 2012, foundation)

vivalsalsa, salsa, salsa classes, kizomba classes, salsa london Tags
http://vivalasalsa.co.uk Link
The Change Foundation  changing young lives through sport and dance

The Change Foundation changing young lives through sport and dance « foundation

UK charity using sport and dance to change the lives of disadvantaged young people.
(Clicks: 33; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 20, 2012, foundation)

the change foundation, cricket charities, rugby charities, dance charities, sports charities Tags
http://dance4change.co.uk Link

Home « foundation

Evelina London Children's Hospital and community services are part of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. We are the second largest provider of children's services in London. Our vision is to be a world leading centre of life-ch
(Clicks: 119; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 19, 2012, foundation)

evelina london, children 39 s heatlh, children 39 s nhs, evelina, children 39 s hospital Tags
http://evelinalondonchildrenshospital.co.uk Link
Running for a Cause  Human Relief Foundation

Running for a Cause Human Relief Foundation « foundation

Running for a Cause | Human Relief Foundation
(Clicks: 22; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 18, 2012, foundation)

human relief foundation, running for charity, marathon Tags
http://runningforacause.co.uk Link
SI Foundation MND

SI Foundation MND « foundation

SI Foundation MND
(Clicks: 21; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 18, 2012, foundation)
Roger Counter Foundation

Roger Counter Foundation « foundation

The Roger Counter Foundations purpose is to facilitate treatment of people suffering from Lymphoma.
(Clicks: 38; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 17, 2012, foundation)

roger counter foundation, treatment, lymphoma, charity, haematology Tags
http://rogercounterfoundation.co.uk Link
The Mentoring Foundation

The Mentoring Foundation « foundation

The Mentoring Foundation
(Clicks: 33; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 17, 2012, foundation)
The Aspinall Foundation

The Aspinall Foundation « foundation

The Aspinall Foundation
(Clicks: 29; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 17, 2012, foundation)
Home - The Working Dogs Foundation

Home - The Working Dogs Foundation « foundation

The Working Dogs Foundation supporting the union between Canine and Humans.
(Clicks: 22; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 16, 2012, foundation)
The Change Foundation  changing young lives through sport and dance

The Change Foundation changing young lives through sport and dance « foundation

UK charity using sport and dance to change the lives of disadvantaged young people.
(Clicks: 30; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 16, 2012, foundation)

the change foundation, cricket charities, rugby charities, dance charities, sports charities Tags
http://rugby4change.co.uk Link
Welcome to Performing Excellence Ltd - Success Through Excellence. Dave Killoran. Galmpton, Brixh

Welcome to Performing Excellence Ltd - Success Through Excellence. Dave Killoran. Galmpton, Brixh « foundation

Performing Excellence is a business consultancy for the healthcare sector specialising in Strategic Financial & Business Management, Financial and Business Turnaround/Improvement, Developing Aspirant NHS Foundation Trusts, Interim Finance Director
(Clicks: 71; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 15, 2012, foundation)

performing excellence, usiness consultancy, healthcare sector Tags
http://performing-excellence.co.uk Link
Tellus Mater Foundation

Tellus Mater Foundation « foundation

Tellus Mater Foundation
(Clicks: 27; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 15, 2012, foundation)
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