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F-Board the revolutionary plastic scaffold board platform system.

F-Board the revolutionary plastic scaffold board platform system. « fboard

F-Board is a revolutionary scaffold platform system. Made to the same size as traditional wooden scaffold boards and from 100% recycled plastic. F-Board plastic scaffold boards are non-slip, consistently lightweight, quick to erect and easy to handle.
(Clicks: 35; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 12, 2013, fboard)

fboard, f board, plastic, scaffold boards, lightweight Tags
http://f-board.co.uk Link
F-Board the revolutionary plastic scaffold board platform system.

F-Board the revolutionary plastic scaffold board platform system. « fboard

F-Board is a revolutionary scaffold platform system. Made to the same size as traditional wooden scaffold boards and from 100% recycled plastic. F-Board plastic scaffold boards are non-slip, consistently lightweight, quick to erect and easy to handle.
(Clicks: 32; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 16, 2012, fboard)

fboard, f board, plastic, scaffold boards, lightweight Tags
http://fboard.co.uk Link