> customer development
Search: customer development
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Listings Found: 3
DV Advisors - Customer Development, IT Strategy and Transformation, Deal Transition and Integratio « customer development
DV Advisors have the management experience and proven delivery approach to make change happen. Specialising in customer development, IT strategy, IT transformation, deal transition, deal integration, program management.
(Clicks: 32;
Comments: 0; Listing added: May 9, 2014, customer development)
dv advisors, dvadvisors, performance improvement, it strategy, it transformation
Strategic Customer Insight, Customer Experience, Customer Development Nottingham Midlands « customer development
Customer insight, customer experience, and customer focused growth for companies of all sizes across the Midlands
(Clicks: 28;
Comments: 0; Listing added: May 3, 2014, customer development)
Eureka Consultants - Always a good idea « customer development
Eureka Consultants work with your existing team, to drive, coach and support the delivery of change or performance improvement. This means that you and your team learn from the process, building a lasting level of knowledge that secures the future of
(Clicks: 28;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 16, 2012, customer development)
eureka consultants, building new departments, sales, customer service, customer development