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Listings Found: 1965

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Worcester United Reformed Church

Worcester United Reformed Church « church

Worcester United Reformed Church
(Clicks: 1724; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jan 18, 2013, church)
Worcester Worcestershire address
http://www.worcesterurc.org.uk/ Link
St Paul s Church

St Paul s Church « church

The Home Page | St Paul's Church Salisbury
(Clicks: 1987; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jan 5, 2013, church)
Bowhill and Elliott - London Street, Norwich, Norfolk, UK

Bowhill and Elliott - London Street, Norwich, Norfolk, UK « church

Bowhill & Elliott has a shop from which it retails a large selection of ladies and mens shoes including the following brands, Crockett & Jones, Grenson, Church, Cheaney, Barkers, Loake, Dexter, Mephisto, Carcavelos, HB Shoes, Gabor, Peter Kaiser, Lorbac and Rockport.
(Clicks: 2115; Comments: 0; Listing added: Dec 24, 2012, church)
Norwich Norfolk address
shoes, handmade shoes, slippers, handmade Tags
http://www.bowhillandelliott.co.uk/ Link
Circuit Information

Circuit Information « church

West Durham Methodist Circuit
(Clicks: 2120; Comments: 0; Listing added: Dec 15, 2012, church)
Wesley Methodist Church

Wesley Methodist Church « church

Wesley Methodist Church, Reading, Berkshire
(Clicks: 2382; Comments: 0; Listing added: Dec 12, 2012, church)
Reading Berkshire address
wesley, methodist, church, worship, reading Tags
http://www.wesleychurchreading.org/ Link
Luther King House Theological College, Manchester - Luther King House Theological College, ...

Luther King House Theological College, Manchester - Luther King House Theological College, ... « church

Luther King House is a Christian interdenominational educational college for ministry training and theological study, for ministers, those seeking ordination and lay church members. Our degree courses are accredited by the University of Manchester and Chester University. The Partnership of Theological Education comprises Open College, Hartley ...
(Clicks: 1433; Comments: 0; Listing added: Dec 4, 2012, church)
Greater Manchester address
luther king, college Tags
http://www.lutherkinghouse.org.uk/ Link
Hartlepool Art Gallery - Hartlepool Borough Council

Hartlepool Art Gallery - Hartlepool Borough Council « church

Hartlepool Art Gallery is a restored Victorian Church in the heart of the town. The temporary exhibitions are diverse and include items from Hartlepool Museums permanent collection.
(Clicks: 952; Comments: 0; Listing added: Nov 29, 2012, church)
Cleveland address
exhibitions, displays, collection, paintings, artists Tags
http://www.hartlepool.gov.uk/info/100009/leisure_and_culture/1506/hartlepool_art_gallery/1 Link
James Church Creative Design | Branding, Print Digital Design | Services

James Church Creative Design | Branding, Print Digital Design | Services « church

James Church is a freelance Creative Designer operating in the East Anglian Area. He Specialises in Branding, Print and Digital Design.
(Clicks: 1304; Comments: 0; Listing added: Nov 29, 2012, church)
Norwich Norfolk address
design, graphic design, branding, print, website Tags
http://www.jchurchdesigns.co.uk Link
Wycliffe Baptist Church - Reading. Good News in East Reading

Wycliffe Baptist Church - Reading. Good News in East Reading « church

Wycliffe Baptist Church - Reading. Good News in East Reading!
(Clicks: 2612; Comments: 0; Listing added: Nov 24, 2012, church)
Reading Berkshire address
cemetery, junction, waugh Tags
http://www.wycliffe-church.org.uk/ Link
Holy Trinity Church

Holy Trinity Church « church

Parish of Holy Trinity, Southport - Home
(Clicks: 1981; Comments: 0; Listing added: Nov 18, 2012, church)
Reading Family Church | Home - A Newfrontiers Church based in Reading UK, Reading Churches, ...

Reading Family Church | Home - A Newfrontiers Church based in Reading UK, Reading Churches, ... « church

We are a group of ordinary people whose lives have been changed by an extraordinary God! We are committed to making a difference for him in Reading, the UK and the rest of the world. We are part of the Newfrontiers worldwide family of churches and a member of the Evangelical Alliance...
(Clicks: 2260; Comments: 0; Listing added: Nov 16, 2012, church)
Reading Berkshire address
reading churches Tags
http://www.readingfamilychurch.org.uk/ Link
Park Avenue Methodist Church, Northampton | Home

Park Avenue Methodist Church, Northampton | Home « church

Park Avenue is a large, lively, energetic and friendly church that offers two styles of worship on a Sunday and a mid-week communion service. It has been open for 85 years and is situated near Abington Park and the Country Cricket ground in Northampton, UK.
(Clicks: 2169; Comments: 0; Listing added: Nov 15, 2012, church)
Northampton Northamptonshire address
park avenue, methodist, church, northampton Tags
http://www.parkavenue.org.uk/ Link
Runnymede Christian Fellowship, a church in Egham, Surrey

Runnymede Christian Fellowship, a church in Egham, Surrey « church

Runnymede Christian Fellowship
(Clicks: 2607; Comments: 0; Listing added: Nov 7, 2012, church)
The Parish Church of St Philip and St James

The Parish Church of St Philip and St James « church

Welcome to the Website of St
(Clicks: 977; Comments: 0; Listing added: Nov 3, 2012, church)
Worcester Worcestershire address
http://www.whittingtonchurch.co.uk/ Link
Kings Church Home - Kings Church Kendal

Kings Church Home - Kings Church Kendal « church

Kings Church is a new, charismatic church in Kendal and is part of the New Frontiers Family of churches
(Clicks: 757; Comments: 0; Listing added: Oct 25, 2012, church)
Cumbria address
new frontiers, charismatic, jesus Tags
http://www.kingschurchkendal.net/ Link
Home - Emmanuel Baptist Church - Netherton

Home - Emmanuel Baptist Church - Netherton « church

Emmanuel Baptist Church in Netherton, Liverpool. We have an exciting vision for the Liverpool region, great hunger for God, revival, and reaching the lost.
(Clicks: 1874; Comments: 0; Listing added: Oct 25, 2012, church)
Liverpool Merseyside address
liverpool churches, allan finnegan, emmanuelnetherton org Tags
http://www.emmanuelnetherton.org/ Link
St Nicholas Church Marston

St Nicholas Church Marston « church

St Nicholas, Marston: Welcome Page
(Clicks: 1444; Comments: 0; Listing added: Oct 21, 2012, church)
St Thomas and St Edmund Church - Salisbury

St Thomas and St Edmund Church - Salisbury « church

St Thomas and St Edmund Salisbury the city centre parish offering a friendly welcome and regular worship in a beautiful medieval church with what is believed to be the largest doom painting in England.
(Clicks: 1382; Comments: 0; Listing added: Oct 20, 2012, church)
Salisbury Wiltshire address
st thomas, st edmund, salisbury, doom painting Tags
http://www.stthomassalisbury.co.uk/ Link
St Matthew s Church, Cambridge - Welcome

St Matthew s Church, Cambridge - Welcome « church

St Matthew's Cambridge Cambridgeshire UK
(Clicks: 2071; Comments: 0; Listing added: Oct 18, 2012, church)
Cambridge Cambridgeshire address
saint, matthews, matthew s Tags
http://www.stmatthews.uk.net/ Link
St John the Evangelist

St John the Evangelist « church

Church of St John the Evangelist @ Kingston Park, Newcastle upon Tyne
(Clicks: 1911; Comments: 0; Listing added: Oct 14, 2012, church)
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