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Welcome to Carsharewales.com - Car Share | Lift Share | Ride Share | Car Pool

Welcome to Carsharewales.com - Car Share | Lift Share | Ride Share | Car Pool « car share

Carsharewales.com is a unique database of UK carsharing schemes, also known as lift sharing, ride sharing or car pooling. Browse for a car sharing scheme in your area. Car Share | Lift Share | Ride Share | Car Pool
(Clicks: 579; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 19, 2012, car share)

free, share, carshare, car share Tags
http://www.carsharewales.com/ Link
Welcome to Carshare Devon Part of the liftshare network

Welcome to Carshare Devon Part of the liftshare network « car share

The UK's FREE Car Sharing and transport information service. The online journey matching service that finds you travelling companions. BE S.M.A.R.T. - SAVE MONEY AND REDUCE TRAFFIC.
(Clicks: 1525; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 3, 2011, car share)
Devon address
free, share, car share, lift, lift share Tags
http://www.carsharedevon.com/ Link
Jambusters - car sharelift share and green transporttravel planning web site software development

Jambusters - car sharelift share and green transporttravel planning web site software development « car share

Jambusters provides car share/lift share/journey share and green transport/travel plan related software solutions for private and public sector employers
(Clicks: 155; Comments: 0; Listing added: Sep 14, 2014, car share)

car share, carshare, liftshare, lift share, ride share Tags
http://coventrycarshare.co.uk Link
Classic Car Share

Classic Car Share « car share

Hire a Classic Car from our North London premises! Or join our Classic Car Share scheme - all the fun of driving a classic car without the hassle of owning one!
(Clicks: 123; Comments: 0; Listing added: Sep 7, 2014, car share)
Community Travelwise  Sustainable Travel Information for Communities

Community Travelwise Sustainable Travel Information for Communities « car share

Sustainable Community Travel Information West Midlands | Walk, Cycle, Train, Bus, Tram or Car share for greener sustainable travel | Plan your journey with TravelWise
(Clicks: 183; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 14, 2014, car share)

sustainable travel, smarter choices, green travel, personal journey plan, personal travel plan Tags
http://communitytravelwise.co.uk Link
Sharing Car  car share at Share-your-car. com

Sharing Car car share at Share-your-car. com « car share

Car Sharing - At Share-Your-Car.com we sell legally binding contracts designed to help you formalise car sharing with others. The agreements are available at prices that you can afford and without the time and hassle of having to arrange appointments
(Clicks: 44; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 20, 2014, car share)

car sharing, sharing, car share, legally binding, agreements Tags
http://share-your-car.co.uk Link

ParentCarShare « car share

ParentCarShare only shows people you trust that you'd like to car share. Great for School and club lifts
(Clicks: 86; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 17, 2014, car share)

car share, carshare, procarshare, lazycarshare, parentcarshare Tags
http://parentcarshare.co.uk Link
Car PoolingSharing in Britain (excl NI) - Car Pooling London - rideshare - car share - carpool - ca

Car PoolingSharing in Britain (excl NI) - Car Pooling London - rideshare - car share - carpool - ca « car share

Welcome to Swift Commute. We are a FREE car pooling service that aims to alleviate some of the traffic congestion around Britain (excl NI) at peak times by creating a community of car sharing commuters.
(Clicks: 83; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 14, 2014, car share)

car pooling london, manchester, liverpool, newcastle Tags
http://swiftcommute.co.uk Link
Jambusters - car sharelift share and green transporttravel planning web site software development

Jambusters - car sharelift share and green transporttravel planning web site software development « car share

Jambusters provides car share/lift share/journey share and green transport/travel plan related software solutions for private and public sector employers
(Clicks: 154; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 17, 2014, car share)

car share, carshare, liftshare, lift share, ride share Tags
http://share-a-journey.co.uk Link
Car share and urban mobility conference - Urban Mobility 2013

Car share and urban mobility conference - Urban Mobility 2013 « car share

Car share and urban mobility conference - Urban Mobility 2013
(Clicks: 40; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 14, 2014, car share)
Car Share Manchester

Car Share Manchester « car share

Car Share Manchester
(Clicks: 54; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 13, 2013, car share)
Online Hitch Hiker - onlinehitchhiker. co. uk

Online Hitch Hiker - onlinehitchhiker. co. uk « car share

Online Hitchhiker allows people to offer trips to others going to the same places. It reduces carbon emissions and saves you money
(Clicks: 65; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 16, 2013, car share)

car share, save money, share trip, reduce carbon emissions, online hitch hiker Tags
http://onlinehitchhiker.co.uk Link
AVFC Car Share

AVFC Car Share « car share

AVFC Car Share
(Clicks: 113; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 7, 2013, car share)
Development Travelwise  Sustainable Travel Information for Developments

Development Travelwise Sustainable Travel Information for Developments « car share

Sustainable Residential Travel Information West Midlands | Walk, Cycle, Train, Bus, Tram or Car share for greener sustainable travel | Plan your journey with TravelWise
(Clicks: 143; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 11, 2013, car share)

sustainable travel, smarter choices, green travel, personal journey plan, personal travel plan Tags
http://residentialtravelwise.co.uk Link
Window News  The Latest Window and Glazing Industry News

Window News The Latest Window and Glazing Industry News « car share

As a nation, we Brits like to think of ourselves as being environmentally sound. After all, we recycle, buy ‘greenâ products and plenty of us car share,
(Clicks: 34; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 15, 2013, car share)
Ride Marketplace - Saving time, money and the planet

Ride Marketplace - Saving time, money and the planet « car share

Ride Marketplace provides a marketplace for Riders to request rides and Drivers to offer rides. Drivers take Riders from door to door for a fee.
(Clicks: 124; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 17, 2012, car share)

ride share, car pool, car share, lift share, green travel Tags
http://ridemarketplace.co.uk Link
Cowal Car Share - Saving Journeys Carbon

Cowal Car Share - Saving Journeys Carbon « car share

Cowal Car Share - Reducing carbon in the Cowal area
(Clicks: 47; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 16, 2012, car share)
SurferMates - Surfers car share with SurferMates

SurferMates - Surfers car share with SurferMates « car share

Surfers car share, find surfers in your local area and share rides to your favourite surf spots. You will save fuel and money whilst reducing the impact on the environment when you travel.
(Clicks: 69; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 14, 2012, car share)

surfermates, home, surfing, surfers, carshare Tags
http://surfermates.co.uk Link
Jambusters - car sharelift share and green transporttravel planning web site software development

Jambusters - car sharelift share and green transporttravel planning web site software development « car share

Jambusters provides car share/lift share/journey share and green transport/travel plan related software solutions for private and public sector employers
(Clicks: 135; Comments: 0; Listing added: May 17, 2012, car share)

car share, carshare, liftshare, lift share, ride share Tags
http://nhscarshare.co.uk Link
National Sharing Day

National Sharing Day « car share

National Sharing Day, liftshare, car share, peopel who share, car pool,
(Clicks: 121; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 13, 2012, car share)

national sharing day, liftshare, car share, peopel who share, car pool Tags
http://nationalsharingday.co.uk Link
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