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Brain Up Abacus Mental Maths Academy

Brain Up Abacus Mental Maths Academy « arithmetic

Brain Up is a unique abacus mental maths programme offering to help children excel at mental arithmetic. Based in Milton Keynes.
(Clicks: 54; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 6, 2014, arithmetic)

abacus, maths tuition, mental maths, mitlon kenyes, soroban Tags
http://brainup.co.uk Link
Brain Up Abacus Mental Maths Academy

Brain Up Abacus Mental Maths Academy « arithmetic

Brain Up is a unique abacus mental maths programme offering to help children excel at mental arithmetic. Based in Milton Keynes.
(Clicks: 82; Comments: 0; Listing added: Feb 17, 2014, arithmetic)

abacus, maths tuition, mental maths, mitlon kenyes, soroban Tags
http://brainup.uk Link
Abacus Maths Learning Learn Abacus Maths

Abacus Maths Learning Learn Abacus Maths « arithmetic

Abacus Maths Learning is a unique maths enrichment course, mainly aimed at primary school aged children. With the maths tuition, children learn the abacus and its concepts, designed to help them excel with their mental arithmetic, school maths.
(Clicks: 77; Comments: 0; Listing added: Dec 21, 2013, arithmetic)

abacus, kumon alternative, learn abacus, maths classes, maths tuition Tags
http://abacusmaths.co.uk Link
Starting Arithmetic

Starting Arithmetic « arithmetic

StartingArithmetic provides the tools for parents to give the children such familiarity with primary maths it becomes second nature to them. Then tests and exams are easy.
(Clicks: 30; Comments: 0; Listing added: Sep 14, 2013, arithmetic)
Learnalot. com  Game-based learning resources for KS3 maths

Learnalot. com Game-based learning resources for KS3 maths « arithmetic

Game-based online maths software for children aged 11-16, making teaching and learning maths relevant and fun through engaging real-life scenarios.
(Clicks: 58; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 28, 2013, arithmetic)

algebra, arithmetic, case studies, cool maths games, education Tags
http://learnalot.uk Link
Addacus - Home

Addacus - Home « arithmetic

ADDACUS (TM) is a highly structured multi-sensory numeracy activity pack. From co-authors of Beat Dyslexia, the activity pack combines photocopiable worksheets, multi-sensory activities, games, stories and songs with cleverly designed equipment to hel
(Clicks: 48; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 14, 2012, arithmetic)

dyscalculia, dyslexia, arithmetic, maths, number difficulties Tags
http://addacus.co.uk Link
Kids Learning Centre

Kids Learning Centre « arithmetic

Kids Learning Centre. Audio Books for Kids plus Colouring and Reading Books. Learn to Read, Write, Draw and also Basic Arithmetic. All Free to download and Enjoy.
(Clicks: 45; Comments: 0; Listing added: Apr 15, 2012, arithmetic)

kids learning centre, listening, colouring, drawing, reading Tags
http://kidslearningcentre.co.uk Link
Arithmanix - The Educational Mathematics Game

Arithmanix - The Educational Mathematics Game « arithmetic

Arithmanix - the fun and educational, multi award winning maths card game for numeracy, mental arithmetic, maths
(Clicks: 52; Comments: 0; Listing added: Mar 25, 2012, arithmetic)

maths card games, maths games, mental arithmetic, number game, numeracy games Tags
http://arithmanix.co.uk Link