> animation north west
Search: animation north west
Categories Found: 0
Listings Found: 3
3D Animation Manchester HumDrumm Animation Studio « animation north west
HumDrumm Animation Studios specialises in 3D animation for the television, games and film industries.
(Clicks: 119;
Comments: 0; Listing added: May 14, 2013, animation north west)
animation, animation manchester, animation north west, tv animation, television animation
SO 3D Animation Manchester « animation north west
SO is a Manchester based 3D studio specialising in 3D animation and 3D modelling.
(Clicks: 119;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Nov 13, 2012, animation north west)
3d visualisation, 3d animation, animation north west, 3d animation manchester, character animation
3D Animation Manchester HumDrumm Animation Studio « animation north west
HumDrumm Animation Studios specialises in 3D animation for the television, games and film industries.
(Clicks: 121;
Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 16, 2012, animation north west)
animation, animation manchester, animation north west, tv animation, television animation