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Home « alcohol training

The Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2010 has established five new Mandatory Licensing Conditions which will impact and apply to all licensed premises and those with a club premises certificate in England and Wales. The purpose of the Mandatory Licensing Conditions is to establish a set of minimum standards that influence ...
(Clicks: 484; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 3, 2012, alcohol training)

biiab, bii courses, biiab courses, alcohol training Tags
http://www.accesstrainingconsultancy.co.uk Link
abv Training - Specialist training for the licensed trade, hospitality, leisure events tourism

abv Training - Specialist training for the licensed trade, hospitality, leisure events tourism « alcohol training

abv Training - Specialist training for the licensed trade, hospitality, leisure, events & tourism. Able to offer the following courses; Personal Licence; Licensing Practitioner; Qualifications and Training Solutions; Hospitality Opportunities; Foo
(Clicks: 100; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jan 17, 2014, alcohol training)

abv training, aplh, pub training, ncplh, alcohol training Tags
http://abvtraining.co.uk Link
TD Consultancy - Drug Alcohol Training Courses Consultancy

TD Consultancy - Drug Alcohol Training Courses Consultancy « alcohol training

Drug & Alcohol Training Courses & Consultancy
(Clicks: 58; Comments: 0; Listing added: Aug 17, 2012, alcohol training)