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RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists  Coventry  Warwickshire  Midlands

RoSPA Advanced Motorcyclists Coventry Warwickshire Midlands « advanced motorcycling

Our aim is to help existing motorcyclists gain the skills and knowledge to achieve the standard for the RoSPA Advanced Motorcycle Test. Based in north Coventry, the bulk of our membership comes from throughout Warwickshire but also includes the surrou
(Clicks: 40; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jun 17, 2014, advanced motorcycling)

advanced motorcycling, rospa test, coventry, warwickshire, midlands Tags
http://coventryadvancedriders.co.uk Link
advanced motorcycle training Buckinghamshire - motorcycle rider training courses - Be a Better Biker

advanced motorcycle training Buckinghamshire - motorcycle rider training courses - Be a Better Biker « advanced motorcycling

Advanced motorcycle training delivered with a difference by Be A Better Biker. Delivering advanced motorcycling training to compliment your personal riding style and work to help improve your safety and enjoyment when riding,
(Clicks: 30; Comments: 0; Listing added: Jul 11, 2012, advanced motorcycling)

motorcycle, motorcycle training, motorcycle rider training, rider training courses Tags
http://beabetterbiker.co.uk Link